Proactive Vs. Reactive Security

Condortech Services, Inc. is Springfield’s Top Rated Local® security consultant for schools, businesses, government offices, and health care facilities. As such, our top priority is keeping your business or organization safe against any and all threats. One important distinction that should be understood by all of our clients is the difference between proactive and reactive security.

Reactive security means being prepared in the unlikely event of a security breach, either in your network or your physical building. Reactive security measures include the sounding of alarms, sealing off of sensitive areas with automatic locks, and the implementation of contingency plans designed for a specific set of emergency circumstances. Reactive measures are needed to protect your organization when unauthorized individuals have gained access by breaking into the building or hacking your network. They are a necessary piece of any company’s security puzzle, but it would be preferable if those breaches never occurred in the first place.

Proactive security is used to prevent invasions from ever happening in the first place. Automatic access control with sturdy locks that deploy at the touch of a button or on a schedule based on building hours can keep intruders from gaining access to your building. Fortifying windows and identifying potential access points are other ways in which a security consultant can help you to take a proactive approach to protecting your facility.

Complete building security depends on a combination of proactive and reactive security measures. Condortech can provide the security consultant services you need to determine the best way to protect your Springfield business or organization. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help!